On June 14th, RKJMS successfully conducted an “in-reach” infectious disease camp, serving over 174 patients from underserved communities.

This initiative, driven by our in-house infectious disease specialist, Dr Yvonne Flammer, focused on providing free testing for critical health parameters such as Tuberculosis (TB), HIV, and Hepatitis. Additionally, patients received blood sugar testing courtesy of the Diabetes Centre, comprehensive counselling from Dr. Prashna Shah, and thorough medical check-ups performed by our skilled Medical Officers.

At RKJMS, we are committed to making quality healthcare accessible and affordable for all, especially those in non-affording communities. Our “in-reach” camps are a testament to this commitment.

Book an appointment with our infectious disease specialist Dr Yvonne Flammer or clinical psychologist Dr. Prashna Shah on 020 5012227/0205012235 or email on specialityclinics@jalaramnairobi.org

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