Our ophthalmology/ eye clinic specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye diseases and disorders.


  • Complete Eye Examination
  • Cataract surgery including complicated cataracts, uveitic cataracts, and traumatic cataracts.
  • Retina examination and complex retinal surgeries including retinal detachments, vitreous hemorrhage, macular holes, epiretinal membrane, dislocated/ subluxated lens, aphakia management and retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Glaucoma management
  • Paediatric ophthalmology – Examination of children including refractive errors and glasses, amblyopia management and orthoptics. Orthoptic procedures like corrective lenses, strabismic and eye patching.
  • Orthoptic procedures like corrective lenses, strabismic and eye patching.
  • Common ophthalmic problems
  • Diagnostic services including fundus photos (disc photos, infrared, red free and autofluorescence imaging, macula OCT and OCT angiography, glaucoma screening scans, Zeiss visual field perimetry, Bscan ultrasound and corneal topography).
  • Retinal lasers – pan retinal photocoagulation, barrage lasers, focal and grid lasers, YAG laser capsulotomy post cataract and YAG laser peripheral iridotomy)
  • Corneal disease – infections, dystrophies, and degenerations
  • Keratoconus screening – Oculyser scans and special contact lenses in mild-moderate and advanced keratoconus

For more inquiries and bookings call +254 020 501 2235