Okay, parents, let’s talk worms. Not the cute, wiggly kind that live in the garden—I’m talking about the not-so-cute freeloaders hanging out in your kid’s tummy, stealing nutrients, and making life a lot less fun. Here’s why you need to give those parasites the boot:

Nutrient Thieves Be Gone!

Worms are like that annoying guest who shows up uninvited and eats all the snacks. They hog the nutrients your kid needs to grow big and strong. Deworming sends these moochers packing so your child gets all the good stuff.

Get Those Growth Gains

Worms can stunt growth and mess with your child’s development. Imagine your kid trying to grow while carrying extra baggage—yeah, not cool. Regular deworming ensures they’re on the fast track to being the next Einstein or Olympic star (or, you know, just healthy).

No More Energy Vampires

Worms suck. Literally. Some, like hookworms, can cause blood loss, leading to anaemia. An anaemic child is a tired, cranky child. Deworming keeps the energy vampires at bay, so your kid can run circles around you (as they should).

Hungry, Happy, and Healthy

Worms can mess with your kid’s appetite and digestion, leading to some serious hangry moments. After deworming, watch their appetite bounce back, along with fewer complaints about tummy troubles.

In short, deworming your kids is like spring cleaning for their insides—get rid of the unwanted guests and let the good times roll. So, don’t wait! Talk to our in-house paediatrician Dr Athul and come visit him at a time convenient to you from Monday to Friday (9.00am to 5.00pm), Saturday (9.00am to 1.00pm); and make sure those pesky worms are history!!

Deworming tablets and syrup available from our pharmacy at affordable rates! Call 0205012200 and ask for the pharmacy for more information.

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